Colorectal Cancer

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Colorectal Cancer

Tumours or growths can occur in the colon, rectum and anus. Regardless of whether these are determined to be benign or malignant, early detection and management are the keys to good treatment outcomes.


Common symptoms of colorectal cancer

If you have been experiencing any of the following symptoms, please consider having an urgent assessment with Dr Yong via colonoscopy:

Change in bowel habits
Rectal or PR bleeding
Unexplained loss of weight

Treatments options for colorectal cancer

Diagnosis via a colonoscopy
Staging the colorectal cancer

(i.e., describing where the cancer is located) through CT scan or MRI

Adjuvant treatments

(i.e., designed to suppress secondary tumours) with chemotherapy and radiotherapy (specifically in the case of rectal and anal cancer)

Surgical resection

(i.e., removing part of the affected tissue or structure) via colectomy or proctectomy

Stomal options

(e.g., colostomy, ileostomy, ileal conduit)

The Process

How it Works

The Process

Complete Patient Form

For new patients, please click below to begin the process and provide us with your details.

If your an existing patient of Dr Yong's please call the rooms directly for an appointment.

New Patients
The Process


An appointment with Dr Jonathan Yong will be arranged once your referral has been received.

Consultation times vary weekly and urgent appointments can be arranged depending on your referral.

New Patients
The Process


Most imaging and pathology results can be accessed at the time of your consultation.

Dr Jonathan Yong will arrange appropriate investigations at your consultation.

New Patients
The Process


Dr Jonathan Yong performs both day and overnight surgery and currently operates out of:

- Ashford Hospital
- Calvary Adelaide Hospital
- Burnside Hospital
- North Eastern Community Hospital

New Patients

Learn About

Dr Jonathan Yong


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have more questions?
Contact Us
When should I get a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is indicated for patients having symptoms concerning for colorectal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease. Screening colonoscopy is indicated for average risk patients at age 50. Newer guidelines recommend screening start at age 45 for African Americans. If a family member has had colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps before the age of 60, it is recommended you start screening 10 years before their age at diagnosis.

Am I sedated for my colonoscopy?

IV Sedation is commonly used for procedures such as colonoscopy and endoscopy. With Intravenous Sedation, sedative drugs are injected into a vein in your arm or hand. The drugs will make you drowsy and relaxed. Most people fall asleep and forget what happened during the procedure but the aim is to put you at ease during the procedure, not to make you unconscious.

Can I go to work the same day I have my colonoscopy? What about the next day?

It is recommended that you take the day off work on the day of your procedure. Some patients who work evenings will also need to take off work the day before the procedure to do the bowel preparation.

Does someone have to be with me for my colonoscopy?

You will need a responsible adult to pick you up upon discharge from the hospital. You are not allowed to drive for 24 hours after your procedure. You are not allowed to take public transport, unless accompanied by an adult for 24 hours after your procedure. You should not make any important decisions, sign legal documents, operate machinery or drink alcohol for 24 hours following the procedure.

Will I have to have clearence from my PCP for colonoscopy or surgery?
